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Zack Keithy, our author, is a certified veterinarian technician (UC Blue Ash) for over 6 years (contact him here). The articles written here are based on his expertise and experience, combined with a review by our expert vet reviewers including Dr M. Tarantino. Learn more about us here.
Are you a proud owner of this gentle giant or considering bringing one into your family?
If so, you may be wondering about how many puppies can a Great Dane have at once.
As a large breed dog, A Great Dane can have between eight and ten puppies in a single litter. The actual number can vary depending on factors such as the health and age of the mother and the size of the litter in her genetic line. Due to their large size, Great Danes can have complications during labor and delivery, so it is important for them to be monitored closely by a veterinarian.
Great Danes are known for their impressive size and playful personalities, but their size can also pose some challenges when it comes to breeding.
In this blog post, we will take a closer look at the reproductive capabilities of Great Danes and provide some important information for dog owners or potential breeders to consider.
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- Some Facts and Trivia About Great Dane Dogs
- How Many Puppies Can a Great Dane Have in One Litter?
- How Big Is a Great Dane Puppy at Birth?
- How Many Healthy Litters Can a Great Dane Have in Their Lifetime?
- What Determines the Number of Great Dane Puppies in a Litter?
- At What Age Can You Breed a Great Dane?
- What Age Do Great Danes Go in Heat?
- How Do You Know if Your Great Dane is in Heat?
- How Often Do Great Danes Go Into Heat?
- How Long Does a Great Dane Stay in Heat?
- How to Tell if My Great Dane is Pregnant?
- How Long is a Great Dane Pregnant for?
- How Do I Know When My Great Dane is About to Give Birth?
- Routine Care Tips for a Pregnant Great Dane
- Should You Breed a Great Dane?
- Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- In Conclusion: How Many Puppies Can a Great Dane Have?
Some Facts and Trivia About Great Dane Dogs
- A Great Dane male can grow to a shoulder height of 32 inches and weigh a hefty 175 pounds. Despite being smaller than males, when standing on their hind legs, both sexes can tower over many people. Great Danes, despite their size, have a graceful, even regal gait and demeanor.
- The tallest dog ever was Zeus the Great Dane, who measured 7ft when standing on its hind legs! It measured slightly over 44 inches at the withers!
- Surprise! The Great Dane is not Danish, but rather has German roots.
- It only made natural sense that Scooby Doo would wind up being a Great Dane because Great Danes were once thought to ward off ghosts and other spirits. When the show was being developed, there was a disagreement over Scooby’s breed, with the two options being sheepdog or Great Dane. It was ultimately decided to go with a Great Dane to avoid any confusion with Hot Dog, the sheepdog from the Archie comics.
How Many Puppies Can a Great Dane Have in One Litter?
When it comes to reproduction, a Great Dane has 9 puppies on average in one litter. This number typically ranges between 8 and 10, commonly going up to 12 too.
Fun fact: the largest litter for a Great Dane is 19, and that honor belongs to Snowy, in 2014, who lives in Pennsylvania with its owners, Brandon and Aimie Terry. Another Great Dane, Cleo, also managed this feat in 2019.
The number of puppies a Great Dane can have in one litter depends on several factors, including the age and health of the mother, which I will share more about later.
Learn more about the Great Dane Beagle mix too!
How Big Is a Great Dane Puppy at Birth?
Great Danes are large dogs, and that is somewhat represented in their puppies.
When they are born, Great Dane puppies weigh between 1 to 2 pounds.
At this stage, the puppies are incredibly vulnerable to infections and other health problems, so it’s important to take them to a veterinarian as soon as possible for their first round of vaccinations and other treatments.
The breed standard for Great Danes is between 140 to 175 pounds (females tend to be smaller) and the weight can vary slightly depending on genetics, diet, and activity level.

How Many Healthy Litters Can a Great Dane Have in Their Lifetime?
All dogs, even Great Danes, do not experience menopause and can get pregnant well into old age or until they get spayed.
Unlike small and medium-sized dogs (and even most large breeds), their heat cycle typically lasts 12 months or more.
That does not mean that a Great Dane should breed in consecutive heats as this can have a negative impact on its health.
In their lifetime, Great Danes shouldn’t breed more than three times, and they shouldn’t mate more frequently than once a year.
Overbreeding will cause your dog a lot of stress, which can lead to heart disease, arthritis, and infertility, among other health problems.
Stopping early also allows a breeder to spay their dog while they are still quite young and let them enjoy a quality life in their retirement.
You should realize the significance of not overbreeding once you take into account that in some countries it is against the law to breed a dog more than four to six times during its lifetime.
In the US, the American Kennel Club (AKC) does not accept registrations for dams that are bred over the age of 12 and under 8 months, and sires that are over the age of 12 and under 7 months.
What Determines the Number of Great Dane Puppies in a Litter?
In this section, we’ll discuss the key factors that determine the number of Great Dane puppies in a litter.
1. Age of the dam
In general, younger dams are more likely than older dams to produce larger litters.
This is because younger dams often have better reproductive systems and are more fertile, enabling them to lay more eggs and give birth to more puppies.
The general health of younger dams is also typically better than that of older dams, which can also result in a larger litter.
This is due to the fact that healthy dogs are necessary for successful reproduction, and unhealthy dogs may struggle to carry and deliver a litter of puppies.
2. Age of the sire
The father of your Great Dane will also have an impact on the size of the litter, albeit less so than the dam.
Even if the female is highly productive, there may be fewer puppies in each litter since the quality of a dog’s sperm begins to decline between the ages of 5 and 6.
Younger sires typically have higher sperm counts and greater fertility than older sires, which allows them to fertilize more eggs and produce more puppies.
The key message? Refrain from breeding senior dogs.
3. Health of the mom
Successful reproduction depends on a dog’s physical well-being, and unhealthy canines may have problems carrying and giving birth to a litter of puppies.
For instance, a healthy, successful pregnancy and a larger litter of puppies are more likely for a dam that is well-fed and receives routine veterinarian treatment.
It’s important to monitor a dog’s emotional and physical health before it gets pregnant and to make sure it gets lots of love, care, attention, exercise, and mental stimulation.
Additionally, nutrition has a big impact on how many puppies are born in a litter.
All year round, high-quality, protein-rich food should be provided to increase the possibility of producing a larger litter.
Mothers who receive inadequate nutrition, especially those who are overweight, frequently have smaller litters.
4. Size of dog
Dogs of the same breed can vary in size as well. Like humans, some dogs have larger body frames than others, and that impacts a dog’s ability to carry puppies.
In general, a bigger litter is often more likely to be produced by larger dams, and vice versa.
5. Litter in which mom was born
Your Great Dane’s level of fertility will depend in part on the litter it was born into.
She’ll probably have a bigger first litter if she was born into a big litter herself.
On the other hand, if your girl was born in a small litter herself, you can typically expect that she will have a small first litter.
6. Type of breeding
Be aware that the type of breeding could have a big impact on the quantity and caliber of the puppies.
For instance, a litter will be of inferior quality if there is substantial inbreeding.
The puppies’ poor health can result in smaller litters, shorter lifespans, and an increased risk of genetic disorders (such Von Willebrand’s disease).
When two dogs are closely related, these issues are more likely to arise.
Linebreeding, on the other hand, aims to maintain sufficient genetic diversity while preserving the best genes from a bloodline, making it frequently a safer method of dog breeding.
7. Time of breeding
It is said that a dam is more likely to have a larger litter size the closer she is to ovulation.
This is defined as the period after the estrogen period when the Luteinizing hormone triggers ovulation.
Unfortunately, I have not been able to find any studies supporting this theory, so at this point, I would say this factor is probably not that significant.
Doggy says, you might be keen to read this too: When can puppies leave their mum?
At What Age Can You Breed a Great Dane?
When a Great Dane reaches its first heat cycle, it can start breeding, but this should never be done.
They normally have their first heat cycle between the ages of 6 and 8 months, which is far too young for them to begin breeding.
If you want to allow your dog enough time to grow sexually and acquire weight and size, wait until she is at least in her second or third heat cycle.
Most ethical and responsible breeders will wait till a Great Dane is at least 2 years old before breeding them. This would give them sufficient time to complete all the necessary medical checks which can identify potential for inherited diseases or conditions.
What Age Do Great Danes Go in Heat?
Most female Great Danes go through their first heat cycle between the ages of 6 and 12 months, but there are instances when they only experience their first cycle at 24 months old.
If your girl hasn’t gone through her first heat cycle by the time she is 18 months old, speak with your veterinarian to rule out any underlying medical conditions.
A useful rule of thumb is that it will go into heat at about the same age that its mother did.
How Do You Know if Your Great Dane is in Heat?
There are several signs that a dog is in heat, or estrus, which is the period of time when a female dog is sexually receptive and can become pregnant.
The most common signs of a dog being in heat include:
- Swelling of the vulva: The vulva, which is the external genitalia of the female dog, may become swollen and enlarged when the dog is in heat. This swelling can be quite noticeable and is often the first sign that a dog is in heat.
- Vaginal discharge: During estrus, the female dog will produce a bloody or bloody-tinged vaginal discharge. This discharge is normal and is a sign that the dog is in heat.
- Increased urination: Female dogs in heat often urinate more frequently than usual. This is because the increased hormones in the dog’s body can cause an increase in blood flow to the kidneys, which can cause the dog to urinate more frequently.
- Increased affection: Female dogs in heat may become more affectionate and attentive towards their owners, and may also be more interested in male dogs. This increased attention and affection is due to the hormonal changes in the dog’s body during estrus.
- Behavioral changes: Female dogs in heat may exhibit changes in their behavior, such as restlessness, pacing, and whining. These behavioral changes are caused by the hormonal changes in the dog’s body during estrus, potentially making them more agitated, anxious, or display aggressive behavior.
Here are a few more points to look out for:
- Excessive licking of the genital area
- Holding its tail close to the body
- More receptive to male dogs
- Change in appetite
How Often Do Great Danes Go Into Heat?
A Great Dane will go into heat about once every 12 months, but this can vary depending on each individual dog, sometimes even up to 18 months.
Once your dog has experienced its first two 2 heat cycles, the period between them will be more consistent in time to come.
While some dogs’ cycles could be a little bit longer or shorter than others, you should be keeping track of when they happen.
Consult your veterinarian to determine whether there is anything that could be causing your dog’s variable seasons.
There is often more time between seasons as dogs get older (but can still get pregnant).
How Long Does a Great Dane Stay in Heat?
When we refer to a dog as being in heat, we typically mean that it is in the estrus stage of the heat cycle, which is when they actually see “action” with a male dog.
The entire cycle is as follows, and it is during the estrus period when a dog will show all the signs discussed above:
- Phase 1: Proestrus (~7 to 10 days)
- Phase 2: Estrus (~5 to 14 days)
- Phase 3: Diestrus (~10 to 140 days)
- Phase 4: Anestrus (~6 months)
How to Tell if My Great Dane is Pregnant?
Here are the most common signs that your Great Dane is pregnant:
- Nipples enlarged
- Increased hunger
- Irritability (may have a short temper)
- Decrease in activity and energy levels
- Behavioral changes
- Weight gain
- Starts nesting
- Seeks more attention
When you notice all of these happening, and about 25 days have passed since mating, you should bring your girl to the vet for an ultrasound or a blood test to determine if it’s pregnant.
The test should also be able to tell you the number of puppies your dog is expecting.
Check out our dog pregnancy calculator to find out when your dog is due!
How Long is a Great Dane Pregnant for?

Great Danes, just like all other dogs, are usually pregnant for 56-64 days, or about 2 months.
There won’t be many obvious signs of pregnancy during the first two weeks as the changes are currently taking place internally within the uterus.
However, your Great Dane will soon start to lose hair around the breasts, develop larger, darker nipples, and develop darker nipples at around 3 weeks of pregnancy.
How Do I Know When My Great Dane is About to Give Birth?
It is important to be aware that dogs usually give birth around 2 months (56 to 64 days) after getting pregnant so that you can prepare for it.
As the time draws nearer, there will be a number of telltale signs that your dog might be whelping soon.
- Spending more time in her “nest”
- Shivering
- Panting
- Straining
- Drop in body temperature
- Restlessness
- Vomiting
- Not eating much
- Digging and scratching
- Lethargy
- Start producing milk
Routine Care Tips for a Pregnant Great Dane
There are a number of things you can do to ensure your dog has the best chance of giving birth to healthy puppies.
Maintaining your dog’s health and happiness throughout pregnancy will help them feel comfortable and ensure a pain-free delivery.
If you are a breeder, consider getting pet health insurance through the Kennel Club (American) (United Kingdom).
Here are a few tips:
Regular checkups
You should plan routine visits with your veterinarian to keep an eye on your dog’s health throughout pregnancy.
Problems can be easier to deal with if they are discovered early on before they get worse.
This is particularly crucial if your dog exhibits any behavioral abnormalities or has even the faintest signs of illness in the last three weeks of pregnancy.
Remember to keep a check on her dental health as well to prevent any problems from getting worse.
Balanced diet
Your Great Dane needs to have a healthy, palatable, and easy-to-digest diet while she is pregnant.
She ought to consume a lot of protein (chicken is a terrific option), as well as some fruits and vegetables because of their vitamin and mineral content.
If you want to be extra careful about making sure your dog gets everything she needs during this time, you can add supplements to the diet.
However, a sudden diet change may make your dog find it difficult to adjust and lose interest in food, so be sure to introduce any new foods gradually.
If you are feeding raw food, more care must be taken to make sure it is clean and devoid of bacteria that might cause bloody diarrhea, which should be addressed as an emergency.
Quiet environment
By maintaining a peaceful and tranquil environment, you can help your dog in feeling more at ease during its pregnancy.
If there are lots of people walking in and out or creating a lot of noise, or maybe there are other lively pets around, your dog will feel confused and stressed.
A quiet room with a comfortable bed for your dog to rest on is ideal, but if you have other pets, be sure to keep them separate so they do not fight or disturb each other.
While pregnant dogs shouldn’t exercise vigorously, they can still benefit from regular brief walks, attention, and gentle play.
Yes, it’s true that they shouldn’t be overstimulated, but you also shouldn’t allow her to become too inactive since this can quickly result in health issues.
I’d advise giving your dog no more than two walks a day, each no more than 15 minutes.
During the last three weeks of pregnancy, a pregnant dog must be kept away from other dogs and animals; therefore, allow her to get some light exercise inside during this time rather than taking her outside.
Should You Breed a Great Dane?
Deciding whether or not to breed a Great Dane or any other breed of dog is a serious decision that should not be taken lightly.
Here are a few important considerations to keep in mind when deciding whether or not to breed a Great Dane, including:
- The health of the dam and sire: Before mating, it’s crucial to make sure the dam and sire are both healthy and free of genetic flaws or other health issues. If two unhealthy dogs are bred together, the puppies they produce may be sick or unwell, which could be painful for both the puppies and their owners.
- The age of the dam and sire: The dam and sire should be of suitable age before breeding. Female dogs should not be bred until they are at least 2 years old, and male dogs should not be bred until they are at least six months to a year old. Breeding dogs who are too young can lead to health problems for both the dam and the puppies.
- The availability of homes for the puppies: It’s important to carefully consider where the puppies will go after they are born before breeding a Great Dane. Although they make popular pets, there are also lots of them in shelters that are in need of homes.
- The cost and time involved in breeding: Breeding a Great Dane, or any other breed of dog, is a time-consuming and expensive process. Work out your sums before making a decision.
If you have any doubts, it would be wiser to leave it to a professional and reputable breeder or simply adopt one instead.
Alternatively, consider adopting one from the shelter or rescue. There are thousands of dogs that need our help too!
You might also want to check out the Great Dane Club of America for more information about this breed.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Do Great Danes have difficult births?
Surgical delivery is often required for litters of eight puppies or more. Great Danes are also among the breeds that are more prone to dystocia and labor problems during delivery. Some breeders choose to birth Great Dane puppies via elective cesarean because of this danger.
What are the most puppies a Great Dane has had?
There are 2 instances in recent times where a Great Dane has given birth to 19 puppies in a single litter. One was in 2014 while the other was in 2019.
How many litters can a Great Dane have a year?
A Great Dane has a heat cycle of about 12 to 18 months, which means that it can have only 1 litter a year. That does not mean they should be bred during consecutive heat cycles though. It is recommended to let them rest for 1 season before resuming breeding.
How many puppies does a Great Dane have on her first litter?
A Great Dane will usually have between 6 to 8 puppies on her first litter. It is not uncommon for first litters to be smaller, and you can expect to see a couple more puppies in subsequent births.
In Conclusion: How Many Puppies Can a Great Dane Have?
Whether you’re a puppy breeder or just a dog owner, knowing how many puppies a Great Dane can have will help you take the first step toward understanding your dog’s breeding habits.
Consider adopting one from a shelter or rescue group if you’re unsure whether you should breed them.
They are numerous and in desperate need of our support, shelter, and love.
You might be interested to learn about other dog breeds and their litter sizes here too.