Can Dogs Eat Quince Fruit? [What You MUST Know]

Zack Keithy, our author, is a certified veterinarian technician (UC Blue Ash) for over 6 years (contact him here). The articles written here are based on his expertise and experience, combined with a review by our expert vet reviewers including Dr M. Tarantino. Learn more about us here.

Fruits are excellent snacks for our dogs, and with so many different ones to choose from, it can be tempting to try out as many as possible to find out which is our dog’s favorite.

Most of us know that dogs can eat apples, but what about quince? Can dogs eat quince fruit?

Dogs should only eat quince fruit in moderation. The fruit needs to be prepared properly and its seeds and skin removed before feeding them to your dog as it might contain dangerous chemicals that can be very harmful. Start with a very small amount on the first feed to check if your dog has any allergy to it.

There are a few more things to take note of about feeding the quince fruit to your dog, so be sure to read on to find out more.

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are quince fruits dangerous to your dog

What is quince fruit?

Quince (Cydonia oblonga) fruit is the edible fruit of a deciduous tree cultivated for its fragrant flower. They are bright green and look somewhat similar to a pear.

They are grown in warm-temperate, Mediterranean, and subtropical regions and are rich in pectin and can be used to make jelly or jam. Not to be confused with the Chinese quince though!

The tree itself is also heavily favored by landscape architects, thanks to its hardy nature and beautiful blossoms.

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Can dogs eat quince?

As a general rule, dogs can eat quince in small quantities.

This ancient fruit has existed for more than a few thousand years and is widely consumed all over Asia and Europe.

Therefore it is technically safe for dogs as well. It may even improve your dog’s immune system as it is rich in nutrients and antioxidants suitable for its development.

You may consider giving quince as a treat to your dog rather than giving it as a main meal.

Consuming this fruit in large portions and too often may negatively impact its health.

You should also avoid giving your dog the fruit’s seeds, skin, stem or leaves as they may contain high levels of cyanide which can be toxic for your dog.

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Benefits of eating quince

Quince is an ancient fruit widely consumed in parts of Asia and Europe.

It contains many health benefits that may be good for your dog’s growth and development.

As the fruit is high in fiber content, it may be taken to aid digestion, prevent constipation and even control diarrhea.

Quince is also high in Vitamin C and can help your dog achieve beautiful fur texture, skin health and overall immune system.

As it is high in antioxidant properties, quince can help your dog to reduce metabolic stress and inflammation levels thus protecting your dog’s cells against cancer-causing free radicals.

The fruit also contains potassium and can aid your dog in relieving arthritis pain.

Quince helps your dog to regulate blood pressure too and may protect your dog from chronic illnesses.

However, the fruit should only be consumed in bite-size pieces and as treats since eating too much of it may turn out harmful to your dog.

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How to feed quince to dogs?

It is advisable to never feed your dog raw quince.

It should either be taken slightly cooked at the very least, if not completely cooked. As the fruit has naturally tough flesh, it is hard to chew, hence they are rarely eaten raw even by us humans.

To safely prepare quince for your dog, you may want to wash the fruit thoroughly to get rid of any dirt and pesticides on the surface of the fruit.

Then, make sure to remove both the skin and the seeds as they contain high levels of cyanide that is harmful and potentially deadly to your dog.

After that, cut the quince into smaller, bite-size pieces as too big a chunk may become a choking hazard to your dog.

As the fruit is also high in sugar, prepare just a small plate of treats so that your dog can consume the fruit in moderation.

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How much quince fruit can a dog eat?

As a general rule, your dog should not be fed too much quince.

As the fruit is high in sugar content, consuming it too much and too often can cause diabetes, anemia, and even pancreatitis.

In fact, veterinarians have recommended that fruit treats like quince should not exceed 10% of the dog’s daily food intake.

Eating too much quince may also cause your dog indigestion.

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What are the risks of feeding a dog quince?

If your dog frequently eats quince in large quantities, it may experience serious health consequences leading to major complications like diabetes, anemia, and even pancreatitis.

Although the quince fruit is not harmful when eaten on its own, its skin and seeds must not be consumed by your dog as they contain high levels of cyanide.

This may cause severe toxicity to your dog and can lead to death. Your dog should not consume seeds from quince too as they may cause indigestion to your dog.

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Alternatives to quince

If you are concerned that your dog may be eating too much quince, that it may accidentally choke on the seeds or has toxic reactions to the ingested skin, there are some alternative fruits that are beneficial for your dog as well.

Peaches are a good source of Vitamin A and fiber which is good in helping your dog fight against infections.

The apple is another common option that is safe for your dog to munch on.

As they are high in both Vitamin A and C, as well as a good fiber source, it can help your dog boost its immune system and development growth as well.

Apple is also low in fat and high in protein, making them ideal even for elderly dogs.

It would be recommended for you to serve both apples and peaches to your dog in small cubes with the core and seeds separated as ingesting them may cause your dog indigestion or even a choking hazard!

Another good source of fiber is the pineapple fruit.

You may cut them in small chunks as dog treats on hot days too. Pineapples can help your dog to cool down its body temperature.

It is also full of protein and healthy enzymes which can aid your dog in its digestive system and overall growth development.

Overall, these alternative treats are good sources of vitamins to lower your dog’s inflammation in the event of any infections.

Lastly, you can also consider giving your dog mangosteen if you have access to it. Most dogs love this treat and it’s packed with nutrients too!

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can dogs eat quince seeds?

Dogs should not be fed quince seeds as they may cause indigestion to your dog. Apart from that, its seeds also contain high levels of cyanide which may be harmful and potentially deadly to your dog.

Can dogs eat quince skin?

It is best to not serve dogs quince skin as the skin may contain cyanide which can be toxic to your dog. It may cause your dog to have indigestion, breathing difficulties, and even diarrhea. In more dangerous cases, it may also cause your dog its life.

Can dogs eat quince paste?

While quince paste is safe for dogs to eat as the occasional treat, it should be served in moderation. Consuming too much quince paste may cause your dog to have indigestion and even diarrhea.

Are dogs allergic to quince?

Some dogs may develop allergies after consuming quince. If you suspect that your dog is suffering from any allergic reactions, you may want to consult your vet immediately.

Can puppies eat quince?

As a general rule, puppies can eat quince in small quantities. The vitamins and minerals found in this ancient fruit can aid your puppy in its formative growth and development. It also promotes healthy fur and skin.

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In Conclusion: Can Dogs Eat Quince Fruit?

So dogs can safely enjoy quince fruit in moderation, but, always remember to remove the seeds and core, as they can pose a choking hazard or contain trace amounts of cyanide.

Treat your canine companion to a small, occasional piece of quince, and they’ll surely thank you with a wagging tail.

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Zack Keithy
Zack Keithy

Hey, I'm Zack, the Chief Editor here. I was formerly a Certified Veterinary Technician (CVT) for a good 6 years before moving on to greener pastures. Right now, I am still heavily involved in dog parenting duties, and it is my desire to share all our knowledge with fellow dog owners out there! Connect with me on LinkedIn, or read more about Canine Care Central!

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