Do you know what DOG ESSENTIALS you are missing out? Find out now!
Zack Keithy, our author, is a certified veterinarian technician (UC Blue Ash) for over 6 years (contact him here). The articles written here are based on his expertise and experience, combined with a review by our expert vet reviewers including Dr M. Tarantino. Learn more about us here.
It’s always a little sad to have your dog go under the knife, and it doesn’t just stop there. After a spay/neuter surgery, you still have work to do.
Most importantly, you need to ensure that your pet recovers properly and reduce any chances of complications.
And what kind of problems can you have? Here’s one: My dog jumped after being spayed or neutered!
Sometimes, they do that because they are excited or scared. Other times, they do it because they have pain somewhere in their body. The difference is, if your dog is jumping with excitement, it will not be limping or showing any signs of pain. If it jumps away from you and doesn’t seem to want to move around much after being spayed/neutered, then it’s probably an indication that something isn’t right.
In this post, I will share a few important tips with you on how you can care for your dog post-operation and what you can do to prevent complications from happening.
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- Why Do Dogs Jump After Surgery?
- Problems With Jumping Right After Being Neutered/Spayed?
- What To Look For If Your Dog Jumped After Being Spayed/Neutered
- What If Your Dog Is Bleeding Or Oozing From An Incision?
- What To Do If The Stitches Come Out?
- How To Stop A Dog From Licking A Healing Incision
- What Can Dogs Not Do After Being Spayed? Basic Care Tips
- In Conclusion: My Dog Jumped After Being Spayed/Neutered
Why Do Dogs Jump After Surgery?

It’s quite common for dogs to jump after surgery, and they might do this for a few reasons.
First, dogs are naturally curious and energetic creatures, and they may not fully understand why they’re feeling a bit off-kilter after surgery.
Their instinct is to explore their surroundings and investigate any changes, sometimes leading to them jumping around in excitement.
Another reason why dogs may jump after surgery is that they’re feeling discomfort or pain. Some dogs may experience discomfort in their incision site or other body parts, and jumping can temporarily relieve this discomfort.
However, it’s important to note that excessive jumping can make their recovery more complex and potentially even harm their healing incision.
If you notice your dog jumping after surgery, keeping a close eye on them and ensuring they’re not overexerting themselves is essential.
Providing them with a comfortable and safe space to rest can help minimize their jumping and allow them to heal properly.
Doggy says, consider reading this too: Pros and Cons of Neutering a Border Collie [What’s the Right Choice?]
How Long After Being Neutered/ Spayed Can My Dog Jump?
The recovery period after being spayed or neutered can vary depending on the individual dog, but it’s generally recommended to limit their activity for the first 7-10 days after the surgery.
This means it’s best to avoid jumping, running, or rough play during this time to give your dog’s body a chance to heal.
After the initial recovery period, you can gradually start to increase your dog’s activity level, but it’s important to do so slowly and under the guidance of your veterinarian.
It’s generally best to wait for at least 2-3 weeks after the surgery before allowing your dog to jump or engage in high-impact activities.
It’s also important to keep an eye on your dog’s incision site during this time and make sure it’s healing correctly.
If you notice any redness, swelling, or discharge signs, it’s essential to contact your vet immediately.
Remember, every dog is different, and the recovery period can vary depending on factors such as age, size, and overall health.
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Thank you. The rest of the article continues below.
Problems With Jumping Right After Being Neutered/Spayed?
When a dog has just been spayed or neutered, their body goes through many changes, and jumping can make it more difficult for them to heal properly.
One of the main issues with jumping right after surgery is that it can put a lot of strain on the incision site, which can cause it to open up or become infected.
This can not only prolong the healing process, but it can also be very painful and uncomfortable for your furry friend.
Another issue with jumping after surgery is that it can lead to other injuries, especially if your dog lands awkwardly or doesn’t have a good balance.
Remember, after surgery, your dog’s movements may be clumsy or uncoordinated, and they may not be able to land on their feet as quickly as they usually would.
This can put them at risk for sprains, strains, or other injuries.
In addition to the physical dangers, jumping after surgery can also be mentally taxing for your dog.
They may feel disoriented or confused as they’re recovering, and the excitement of jumping around could make them more anxious or stressed.
Overall, giving your dog time to rest and recover after being spayed or neutered is important, which means limiting their activity, including jumping, for at least the first week or two.
By doing so, you’ll help ensure that their body has the best chance to heal properly and that they’ll be back to their happy, healthy selves in no time.
You might even notice that your dog keeps sitting after neutering, which is another after-effect of being fixed.
What To Look For If Your Dog Jumped After Being Spayed/Neutered

If your puppy has been acting like a total acrobat a few days after their spay, there is no need to panic!
It might be a harmless little boogie if they’re not bleeding and showing discomfort.
However, don’t get too complacent just yet.
Keep an eye on your furry friend and be on the lookout for any of these warning signs that something might be off:
- Sutures that have come undone
- Bloody discharge or redness around their spay scar
- Signs of lethargy, like not wanting to play or sleep more than usual
- Whining or excessive panting
- Your doggy licking their wound a little too often
If any of these red flags show up, don’t hesitate to get in touch with your vet! After all, it’s always better to be safe than sorry.
Doggy says, consider reading this too: How soon after neutering can a dog be groomed?
What If Your Dog Is Bleeding Or Oozing From An Incision?
Seeing your furry best friend bleeding or oozing from their incision after surgery can be a scary experience.
First, it’s essential to keep calm and assess the situation. If your dog is actively bleeding, you’ll need to apply pressure to the area using a clean, damp cloth or gauze.
Try to keep your dog calm and still, and if the bleeding doesn’t stop within a few minutes, contact your vet immediately.
Keeping the area clean and dry is important if your dog is oozing from the incision site. Do not bath your dog after spaying right away!
You can gently clean the area using a mild antiseptic solution or warm water, careful not to apply too much pressure or cause further irritation.
Avoid using any ointments or creams without consulting your vet first.
In both cases, it’s important to contact your vet as soon as possible to let them know what’s happening.
They may want you to bring your dog in for an exam or provide you with further instructions on how to care for your pup.
Remember, it’s important to be patient and understanding, as your furry friend may be in pain or discomfort.
Make sure to give them plenty of love and attention, and keep them as calm and comfortable as possible.
What To Do If The Stitches Come Out?
If the stitches have come out of your dog post-surgery, it’s important to take action to prevent further complications and help your furry friend heal properly.
First, if the incision is fully open, bleeding, or oozing, it’s important to seek veterinary attention immediately.
Your vet may recommend cleaning the area and re-stitching the incision to ensure proper healing.
If the incision site is only slightly open, your vet may recommend keeping the area clean and dry and monitoring it closely for any signs of infection or further complications.
Regardless, it’s always a good idea to contact your vet and inform them of the situation, as they may want to see your dog for an examination or provide you with further instructions on how to care for your pup.
How To Stop A Dog From Licking A Healing Incision
When your dog gets injured or has surgery, it might instinctively try to lick the affected area. But it’s important to prevent this behavior as much as possible.
You can do this by trying any one of the following:
- Use an Elizabethan collar (cone) to control access to the wound
- Apply a bitter-tasting spray or ointment to the wound
- Cover the wound with a bandage or dressing, or consider using a dog diaper after neutering
- Distract your dog with toys or treats
- Monitor your dog closely and redirect their attention if they start licking
- Contact your vet if the wound is not healing or if your dog continues to lick despite these measures.
What Can Dogs Not Do After Being Spayed? Basic Care Tips
Your pup might be ready to take on the world after getting spayed, but hold their leash for a bit longer!
Avoid letting your pup run, jump, or play too hard, as these activities could cause swelling around the incision site.
And trust me; you don’t want those sutures dissolving too soon or the incision opening up. That’s going to lead to some pricey vet bills and a lot of worries on your part.
Instead, opt for gentle walks and plenty of cuddles with your pup. And keep an eye on that incision site, too!
Make sure it stays clean and dry, and watch for any signs of infection.
With a bit of extra care, your doggo will be back to their usual tail-wagging self in no time!
Doggy says, you might wanna read this too: Dog Yelps When Jumping Down
How Long After Spaying Or Neutering Can My Dog Play?
Most vets recommend restricting a dog’s activity for at least 7-10 days following spaying or neutering and gradually increasing activity levels over the next few weeks.
Can A Dog Jump Off The Couch After Spay?
No. Jumping off the couch after spaying can increase the risk of complications, so it’s generally not recommended for at least 7-10 days post-surgery.
Can You Lift A Dog After Surgery?
Although it is best to avoid lifting your dog, you can do so, but be gentle and supportive. Wrap your arms around their front and hind legs to keep them feeling secure and comfortable.
What Is The Recovery Time With Dissolvable Stitches?
Absorbable stitches start dissolving after 7-10 days post-surgery and are fully absorbed by the body within 60 days.
In Conclusion: My Dog Jumped After Being Spayed/Neutered
I know that it can be quite disconcerting to see your dog jumping around after being fixed, and the best thing you can do is to restrict its movement for the time being and ensure that you watch over it as much as you can!
Consider reading other dog care articles too such as can my dog jump on the couch after heartworm treatment, pros and cons of neutering an Australian shepherd, dog scratching spay incision with hind leg, and many more!