Chlorophyll for Dogs in Heat [Mask Smell?]

Zack Keithy, our author, is a certified veterinarian technician (UC Blue Ash) for over 6 years (contact him here). The articles written here are based on his expertise and experience, combined with a review by our expert vet reviewers including Dr M. Tarantino. Learn more about us here.

I know that you’re probably feeling pretty stressed out. Your dog is in heat and you don’t know how to help her.

They get needy, they’re noisy, and they just aren’t themselves.

Chlorophyll for dogs in heat is a great way to get your dog through their heat cycle—and it’s good for them too!

In this post, we’re going to talk about what chlorophyll is, and how it can help your dog get through their heat cycle with as little discomfort as possible.

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Heat Cycle of Female Dogs in a Nutshell

The average heat cycle of a female dog, also known as a canine estrous cycle, lasts about two to four weeks.

During this time, the dog will develop a swollen vulva and an increased discharge.

She may also experience uterine bleeding.

The first stage is proestrus, which usually lasts seven to ten days.

During this stage, the discharge is pinkish-red and thin.

For the first time, your dog may become restless and fidgety due to their change in hormones.

The second stage is estrus, which lasts five to ten days.

There is lesser blood discharge and this is the time when they start to mate if there is a suitable partner.

The next stage is diestrus, during which she will no longer attract males because her hormone levels are low enough that they are no longer attractive to them.

The final stage, anestrus, is the time between the diestrus and the next proestrus. Your dog’s vulva will no longer be swollen and there will not be any discharge.

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What is Chlorophyll?

Plants use chlorophyll to make food.

There are two main types of Chlorophyll: natural and synthetic.

Natural Chlorophyll is what you find in plants and leafy greens—a plant-based dye that gives the leaves their green color.

Synthetic Chlorophyll is made from a chemical called magnesium pyrrolidone carboxylate (MPC), which is a derivative of heme, an essential ingredient in hemoglobin.

It also makes plants green, so you might be surprised that we can give our dogs chlorophyll!

Chlorophyll comes from plants, but it’s not just for plants. It’s for your dog too!

Chlorophyll contains many of the same nutrients as fruits and vegetables, and it helps your dog get more energy from their food by supporting healthy digestion.

It also helps with inflammation in the body, which means less pain and discomfort for your pup. 

It’s GREAT that we can give our dogs Chlorophyll, but what exactly does it do for them? More importantly, is it entirely safe for our furry friends?

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Is Chlorophyll Safe For Dogs?

is chlorophyll safe for dogs?

Well, that depends on how much you give your dog and how often.

The most important thing to remember when giving Chlorophyll to dogs is that they don’t have the enzymes in their digestive tract to break down the chlorophyll molecule as humans do, so it can build up in their system and cause problems if you give them too much.

A quarter teaspoon for 1 pound of food is plenty.

In general, chlorophyll is a safe and healthy nutrient for dogs.

It has been used in veterinary medicine for decades and is a great way to add more greens to your dog’s diet.

Do Dogs Need Chlorophyll?

You may have heard this, but it’s a common misconception that dogs don’t need Chlorophyll.

And I’m here to tell you that this is untrue, and there are several ways your dog can benefit from eating chlorophyll-rich foods.

Read more about them in the next section.

How Does Chlorophyll Benefit Dogs?

Some people wonder why their dog eats grass.

Well, there are a few possible reasons—one being that they need more nutrients or even just one specific nutrient: Chlorophyll.

Grass has Chlorophyll in it, but it’s best used for lawn decoration rather than as a food source.

Instead, you can find supplements that contain ingredients such as chlorella, and natural spirulina.

Key Benefits

  • Provides your Dog with Bioavailable Vitamins and Minerals required to live a long healthy life

Here are a few of its top benefits.

First, it’s a natural source of magnesium and iron.

These two minerals are necessary for your dog’s overall health, especially when it comes to its bones and muscles. 

Second, Chlorophyll also contains potassium, phosphorus, and manganese.

These are all important for healthy skin and coat growth.

Third, Chlorophyll helps fight against free radicals in your dog’s body.

Free radicals can cause premature aging in your dog or cancer if left unchecked!

So you must ensure they’re getting enough Chlorophyll in their diet daily.

Finally, Chlorophyll has been shown to help prevent heart disease in humans—so would I recommend this for your dog?

Of course, I would!

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How Does Chlorophyll Work for Dogs in Heat?

How Does Chlorophyll Work for Dogs in Heat?

I’ve been a dog owner for most of my life, and I have had a few dogs that were not spayed, which meant dealing with them being in heat.

You should give your dog additional attention while she is in heat because her body temperature increases, her vulva expands, and she secretes a bloody discharge.

Pheromones, particularly Methyl p-hydroxybenzoate, are present in the blood.

Male dogs can detect this pheromone from miles away since it is so potent and seductive to them.

Here’s where Chlorophyll comes in:

It has some intriguing physiological properties, one of which is that it can cover up odors.

This is why natural deodorants frequently incorporate chlorophyll as an ingredient.

In a similar way, chlorophyll can help hide a dog’s pheromone smell, reducing its appeal to other males.

Another benefit is that it soothes any inflamed tissue and promotes healing.

Other Ways to Mask the Scent

Female dogs in heat can be hidden by using scent elimination sprays and essential oils.

Menthol spray for dogs in heat can mask the odor of your dog’s pheromones, which may be preferable to you if you dislike the scent that animals produce during mating season.

You can also try things with scents such as lavender, wintergreen, clove, or my personal favorite: eucalyptus.

How Much Chlorophyll Can My Dog Have?

I’ve been giving my dog Chlorophyll for years, and I’ve found that the best way to do it is with a powdered supplement.

It’s important to note that Chlorophyll should not be given in large quantities because it can be toxic if too much is consumed.

The recommended dosage is not more than 1/4 teaspoon of powder per pound of food daily.

What Are the Side Effects of Chlorophyll?

I know what you’re thinking: “But what about the side effects?”

Well, I’ll tell you straight up: there haven’t been any.

At least not for me and not for my dog.

She doesn’t seem to have any problems with it, and if my dog’s happy, I’m happy.

Some side effects that have been observed are mild and temporary.

Diarrhea, nausea, and vomiting are all common side effects of Chlorophyll, but you should know that this is usually because too much was given.

If your dog seems to be in pain or has persistent digestive issues after taking Chlorophyll, stop giving it to him and contact a vet immediately.

When Not to Use Chlorophyll

There are a few instances where you should refrain from using Chlorophyll to mask your dog’s heat scent.

First, if you’re working with a female dog in heat, Chlorophyll may not be the best option for masking her heat scent.

Some females in heat tend to have a powerful scent that Chlorophyll can’t mask.

So instead, consider using lavender or lemon essential oil to do. that instead.

Secondly, if your dog has a sensitive stomach or digestive issues, it might not be a good idea to give them Chlorophyll or any other type of supplement that they don’t need.

Giving your dog something they don’t need will make them sicker!

Finally, if you want to use Chlorophyll as part of an overall treatment plan for your dog’s health issues, such as cancer or diabetes, talk to your vet about whether or not it would be safe for them first before giving them any supplements at all!

Incorporating Chlorophyll into Your Dog’s Diet Naturally

Here are some natural ways to add more Chlorophyll to your dog’s diet:

  • Add spinach or kale to their food, or make them a smoothie with these greens in it.
  • Add spirulina powder or chlorella tablets to their food or water.
  • Sprinkle dried parsley on their food.
  • Add alfalfa sprouts to their food or treat them to an occasional nibble of fresh alfalfa sprouts off your garden (be sure to wash them before giving them to your dog).
  • Add wheatgrass juice to your dog’s water bowl occasionally, but do so sparingly, as too much may upset their stomachs.

What Can I Give My Dog to Get Her Out of Heat?

If your dog is in heat and you want to get her out of it, there are a couple of options.

The first thing I’d suggest is spaying her, which has a number of benefits especially if you do not plan to use her for breeding.

If you want to avoid going that route, though, you can ask your vet for medication.

In the United States, there are two approved medicines you can use (only with a prescription).

When your dog begins to exhibit signs of being in heat, such as behavioral changes, anxiousness, or mating tendencies around other dogs, you can treat her orally with megestrol acetate.

Your dog’s heat cycle should end after eight days of taking this medicine, and she will go into heat again in six months.

Mibolerone is another drug that is similarly taken orally, but your dog needs to receive it 30 days before the start of her heat cycle.

It won’t stop a heat cycle; instead, it stops it from even beginning.

How to Keep Male Dogs from Sniffing Females in Heat

The best way to keep this from happening is not to let it happen at all. That means no contact.

If you have only one dog, keep her restrained when out on walks and you must avoid other dogs if you see them.

Make sure that there are no ways for other dogs to enter your house, as males can smell females in heat from a long distance and they frequently try to seek them out.

If you have a female and male dog living in the same household, try out the following tips:

  • A male dog should be kept from a female in heat as he cannot control his reactions to her. If a female dog in heat is going to be near your male dog outdoors, keep him indoors or in a kennel so that he won’t pick up her scent.
  • Separate the male dog from the female, placing them in rooms on opposite sides of your home if they live with you. Put each dog in a separate room with the door shut, and don’t let them out of their respective rooms simultaneously
  • If you don’t have enough space in your home for two dogs, consider keeping the female indoors and letting the male live outside. Ensure your fence is secure enough to keep the male dog from escaping.
  • Keep the male dog in a kennel until your female stops going into heat. It may be challenging to keep your male from being aggressive towards the female dog. If this is the case, it’s best to board the male at an offsite location like a kennel.

Giving your dog the best care

Here is my list of things to keep in mind when it comes to caring for my pup during this time:

  • Make sure she is housed or maintained in a safe enclosure away from other dogs. Contact with male dogs who haven’t been neutered can result in unintended pregnancy, and even contact with dogs who have been spayed or neutered might cause hostility due to hormones.
  • Keep messes to a minimum by using doggie diapers, and give her what she wants, whether it’s space or love.
  • Make certain she has her own bedding, food bowl, and water bowl in her space.
  • If you are planning to spay her, talk to your veterinarian about the best time to do so.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How do male dogs react to females in heat?

When female dogs are in heat, a male dog’s behavior can be challenging to control—he will become aggressive and restless. This particular scent is so powerful that dogs can smell it from as far away as two or three miles.

Do neutered dogs react to females in heat?

A neutered male dog can show two reactions when encountering an unfixed female. For the first 6 weeks after the operation, they might still have a reaction to females in heat as there might still be lingering hormones. Beyond that, they likely will not have any reactions.

In Conclusion: Chlorophyll for Dogs in Heat

Chlorophyll can be a very effective tool to help you mask your dog’s scent while it is in heat, and also present some calming qualities.

You should try it out to see if it works for your dog but also be aware of other ways to mask scents such as menthol sprays.

Continue checking out other dog care tips such as does pine sol kill fleas in dogs, Shih Tzu with underbite, dog cough after dental cleaning, and many more around our blog!

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Zack Keithy
Zack Keithy

Hey, I'm Zack, the Chief Editor here. I was formerly a Certified Veterinary Technician (CVT) for a good 6 years before moving on to greener pastures. Right now, I am still heavily involved in dog parenting duties, and it is my desire to share all our knowledge with fellow dog owners out there! Connect with me on LinkedIn, or read more about Canine Care Central!

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