Puppy Sleeping on the Pee Tray? Snooze Confusion

Zack Keithy, our author, is a certified veterinarian technician (UC Blue Ash) for over 6 years (contact him here). The articles written here are based on his expertise and experience, combined with a review by our expert vet reviewers including Dr M. Tarantino. Learn more about us here.

As a dog parent for more than a decade, I thought I’d seen it all: chewed shoes, mysterious puddles, and enough fur to knit a sweater.

But imagine my surprise when I found my puppy sleeping on the pee tray!

If you’re anything like me, you’re probably wondering why on earth your puppy has turned their potty pad into a cozy bed.

But don’t worry—you’re not alone in this bizarre world of pee tray naps.

In today’s post, I’ll share my personal journey of unraveling this mystery, along with expert tips and insights to help you understand and manage this quirky behavior.

So, buckle up as we embark on this rollercoaster of puppy parenting. And remember, there’s always a method to their (adorable) madness!

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Why is My Puppy Sleeping on the Pee Tray? 4 Main Reasons

Why is My Puppy Sleeping on the Pee Tray

You went out and bought your furry friend a cozy and comfortable bed, but you keep finding them sleeping on their pee tray instead.

Why is your beloved pet doing this?

Let’s dive into some possible reasons behind this behavior.

1. Comfort

Puppies are known to seek out cozy and comfortable spots to sleep., so it’s totally possible that your pup finds the pee tray to be a soft and comfy spot.

2. Not properly trained

Your pet may not understand what the pee tray is for.

If your puppy hasn’t been trained to use the pee tray for potty breaks only, they may start to view it as a bed as well.

3. Seeking warmth

Puppies have a natural instinct to seek warmth, and if the pee tray is near the heater or located near a warm area, they may choose to sleep on it.

4. Location

The location of the pee tray could be the culprit as well.

If the tray is tucked away in a cozy or secluded spot, your puppy may feel secure and decide to sleep there.

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Is It Bad for Your Puppy to Sleep on Its Pee Tray?

Is It Bad for Your Puppy to Sleep on Its Pee Tray

Some pups can sleep just about anywhere.

Under the table, on the couch, and even in their pee tray.

While it may seem harmless, letting your puppy sleep on their pee pad, especially if it’s soiled, is a bad idea.

First off, sleeping on a soiled surface is not healthy. 

Pee can burn the skin if the pup sits in it for a long time.

At the very least, it can cause irritation.

A moist pee tray can become a breeding ground for harmful bacteria and fungi.

Your pup can develop respiratory problems if they inhale those over a long period of time. 

Additionally, the ammonia smell of the pee is not very pleasant, causing your dog to cough or sneeze.

Finally, sleeping on the pee tray could encourage your puppy to continue eliminating there.

This will make potty training even more challenging. 

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How Can I Stop My Puppy From Sleeping on the Pee Tray?

Looking for a way to stop your pup from napping on their pee tray?

Short of hiding your furry friend’s favorite nap spot, there are plenty of tips and tricks to break this habit. 

Consistent training

Teach them that the pee tray is only for peeing.

Potty training is essential, but so is training your pup to use the pee tray for potty breaks only.

Consistently reinforce this by rewarding them when they use the tray correctly. 

Over time, your puppy will start to understand that the tray is not a bed.

Use positive reinforcement

Positive reinforcement works wonders.

Use treats, toys, and praise to encourage your pup to sleep in their own bed. 

You can also place their bed near you at night to make them feel more secure.

Your presence is like a reward if they choose to sleep in their own bed.

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Establish a routine

Routine is key, especially for puppies. Establishing a consistent sleep schedule for your pup can make all the difference. 

This will help them understand when it’s time to go to their own space for bedtime.

Keep the area clean

No one wants to sleep in a dirty and smelly area, including your puppy. Keep your pet’s bed clean and odor-free to encourage your furry pal to sleep there.

Check for health issues

If you’ve tried all the solutions above but your pup still insists on sleeping in their pee tray, it might be time to contact the vet.

A quick consultation can help you figure out what’s causing this behavior. Is it an underlying health issue that’s making your pet uncomfortable sleeping in their own bed? 

Seek professional help

If your pup’s habit of sleeping on their pee tray doesn’t seem to budge, it’s time to consider getting some expert advice. 

Reach out to a vet or a dog trainer for some professional help.

They can help you identify any underlying issues and provide additional training tips to break this habit.

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Thank you. The rest of the article continues below.

Doggy says, you might be keen to read this too: Why does my dog cuddle my shoes?

How to Get Your Puppy to Sleep on Its Own Bed?

One way to stop your furry pal from sleeping on their pee tray is to get them to love sleeping in their own bed. 

How can you make that happen?

Here are some tips to encourage your puppy to rest in their own sleeping area and avoid the messy, uncomfortable alternative.

Choose the right bed

When picking out a bed for your pup, make sure it’s cozy and fits them just right.  

Are they still growing? Go for a bed that will accommodate their size as they get bigger. 

Look for beds made from soft and washable materials, so they can stay clean and fresh.

Casper Plush Memory Foam Dog Bed

q? encoding=UTF8&ASIN=B07BMHVWQK&Format= SL500 &ID=AsinImage&MarketPlace=US&ServiceVersion=20070822&WS=1&tag=dailydogdrama 20&language=en USir?t=dailydogdrama 20&language=en US&l=li3&o=1&a=B07BMHVWQK
Pressure-relieving memory foam and durable support foam
Excess material on top for dogs that like to dig and scratch to make the perfect sleeping spot
Supportive foam bolsters on the mattress create a safe space for dogs to lay their heads
Microfiber blended material designed to be durable and rip-resistant
Removable and machine washable cover that’s impenetrable to fur slobber-resistant.

Introduce the bed early

Introduce the bed to your puppy early on, so they can get used to it. 

Encourage them to explore it by placing some treats or toys inside the bed.

You can also try lying beside the bed with your puppy and cuddling them there to create a positive association.

Create a positive association

Make the bed a cozy and inviting place by placing it in a quiet and comfortable area in your home.

Look for a warm spot that your pup will love and use positive reinforcement techniques such as treats or toys to encourage your puppy to use the bed. 

Give them a reward every time use it.

In time, they will associate using their bed with positive experiences.

Establish a routine

Setting a consistent sleep routine for your puppy will help them easily understand when it’s time to sleep in their own bed. 

This can include feeding them dinner, taking them for a walk, and then placing them in their bed.

Use crate training

Crate training can be an effective way to help your puppy feel secure and comfortable in their own space. 

A crate can also help prevent accidents during the night.

Make sure the crate is the right size for your puppy and is has enough space with the soft bedding inside.

Address anxiety or fear

Is your puppy feeling a little scared or uneasy about sleeping in their own bed?

Having fears and anxieties is quite normal but it’s more important to address these issues with the help of a veterinarian or dog trainer. 

They may suggest some great techniques, like desensitization or counter-conditioning, to help your furry friend feel more comfortable and confident in their own sleeping space.

Avoid bad habits

Identify what bad habits your pet might be developing and work on avoiding those. 

For example, allowing them to sleep on your bed or furniture can make it difficult for them to transition to their own bed. 

Instead, use positive reinforcement to encourage them to stay in their own sleeping area, and create a comfortable and inviting space to help make the transition easier.

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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Why does my dog sleep in its own pee?

Some possible reasons why some dogs sleep in their pee are comfort, seeking warmth, or improper training. It’s important to curb this behavior as sleeping on a soiled surface can lead to health issues. Encourage them to sleep in their own bed instead.

Is it ok to use pee pads for puppies at night?

Yes, it is okay to use pee pads for puppies at night. Pee pads can be a useful tool for potty training puppies, especially during the night when they can’t go outside for regular potty breaks.  

Should you potty train your puppy using pee pads?

Yes, you can potty train your puppy using pee pads. They are especially helpful to pups who can’t hold their bladder for long. However, it’s still important to eventually transition them to go potty outside.

Should you let your dog sleep on a pee pad?

No. It’s not recommended to let your dog sleep on a pee pad, because it can lead to health problems like skin irritation, infections, and respiratory issues.

What if my puppy sleeps on a used pee pad?

If your puppy sleeps on a used pee pad, it’s important to clean and dry them off. Then, replace the soiled pee pad with a fresh one. Discourage the behavior by providing a clean and comfortable bed for your pet to sleep on. 

In Conclusion: Puppy Sleeping on the Pee Tray

I’ve gotta say, our adorable fur balls never cease to amaze us with their baffling antics.

Nothing else we can do but embrace the journey, and remember that understanding and patience are key.

With a dash of humor and the right strategies, you’ll be navigating the wild world of puppy parenting like a pro.

Keep loving those pee tray-napping pups—after all, they’re just too cute to resist!

Looking for more tail-wagging tales? Be sure to check these out too:

You’ve made it to the end, but I hope it’s not the end of our journey. We want to hear your voice! Share your thoughts, problems, suggestions, or anything related to your dog in the comments section. And don’t forget to join our newsletter today too.

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Zack Keithy
Zack Keithy

Hey, I'm Zack, the Chief Editor here. I was formerly a Certified Veterinary Technician (CVT) for a good 6 years before moving on to greener pastures. Right now, I am still heavily involved in dog parenting duties, and it is my desire to share all our knowledge with fellow dog owners out there! Connect with me on LinkedIn, or read more about Canine Care Central!

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